Trial: allowing fast cyclists to use the roadway
The cycle paths in Amsterdam are becoming increasingly crowded. And with more and more fast electric bicycles there are larger speed differences between cyclists. This leads to feelings of insecurity and greater risks on the cycle paths. To find improvements, a trial is started in which fast cyclists can use the roadway. This trial is based on the idea ‘Back to basics: 30.20.10’ by Wichert van Engelen. That was the winning idea of the Bicycle Innovation Lab 2022 about ‘how to deal with the different speeds on the cycle path to improve road safety’.
From April 18th to July 19th, the traffic trial will run on Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat and Bilderdijkstraat, between Overtoom and Kinkerstraat. On this stretch, fast cyclists are allowed to cycle on the roadway. The goal is to make the cycle path quieter and safer.

The map shows where cyclists are temporarily allowed on the road
Winner of the first Bicycle Innovation Award
In 2022, we organized a competition in search for or smart solutions for the different speeds on the cycle path. Of the 37 entries, the jury chose the idea ‘Back to basics: 30.20.10’ by Wichert van Engelen as winner. In the jury were race driver Tim Coronel, Esther van Garderen (Fietsersbond), Marco te Brömmelstroet (University of Amsterdam), Ilona Kemps (Startup in Residence) and Otto van Boggelen (CROW-Fietsberaad). The winning idea 30.20.10 divides public space based on speeds (30 km/h on the roadway, 20 km/h on the cycle path and 10 km/h on the sidewalk), instead of on vehicle types.
The idea has been slightly adjusted. A feasibility study showed that the proposed maximum speed of 10 km/h on the sidewalk is not desirable. That’s why the trial ended up being 30-20.
Trial set up
Traffic is classified based on speed. This is how the test is set up:
- If you cycle at 20 km/hour or less, you ride on the cycle path. The recommended speed limit on the cycle path is 20 km/h. The bike path is turned from obligatory into noy obligatory.
- If you go faster than 20 km/hour, you can cycle on the roadway. But that’s not obligatory.
- A maximum speed of 30 km/h applies to all drivers on the 30 km/h lane. E-bikes may provide pedal assistance up to a maximum of 25 km/hour.
Why this location
The street of the trial has narrow cycle paths and many cyclists. With too little space for so many cyclists at different speeds problems arise. In the selection of the location Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat and Bilderdijkstraat, the following was taken into account:
- Narrow cycle paths
- Lots of bicycle traffic (at least 5,000 cyclists per day), with not too busy car traffic
- Maximum road speed of 30 km per hour
- The roadway is attractive for fast cyclists
- The design of the trial must be transferable to comparable streets
- No roadwork is planned during the trial
Measuring results
During the trial, it is measured how many cyclists ride on the roadway, how cars and bicycle traffic mix on the roadway and whether the cycle paths become quieter. Road users are asked about their experiences. During the trial cyclists will be interviewed on the street and all road users can complete an online questionnaire.
Test results
The trial will last until July 19th. The results of the test will be known at the end of this year. If the trial is a success, follow-up research will be conducted.