Edition 2022
Challenge of Bicycle Innovation Lab 2022: the ultimate solution to improve safety on bicycle paths?
This first edition of the bicycle innovation lab aimed to improve safety on bicycle paths. Thirty-seven (37) people submitted their creative ideas, ten (10) of which pitched their idea to a jury consisting of five cycling professionals. The winner was announced on April 11, 2022.
Bicycle innovation lab 2022
Update August 2022
The winner of the first Bicycle Innovation Lab is ’30-20-10′! Curious about the developments surrounding the Bicycle Innovation Lab? Check out the timeline below.
The challenge of 2022
The bicycle is indispensable in the city of Amsterdam, the region, and the Netherlands. As a means of transport and making and maintaining the city and the region liveable, safe, and accessible. Amsterdam and the region have been working for more than 40 years to make cycling safe, easy, and pleasant for everyone. This makes Amsterdam an inspiring example for other cities and regions that want to become more bicycle-friendly. In addition, Amsterdam likes to learn from other cities.
The city of Amsterdam and The Transport Authority Amsterdam make this unique knowledge available through the Amsterdam Bike Cityplatform. You can contribute to it as well! Because we would like to exchange our experiences, knowledge, and ideas with yours. We offer the stage to existing (bicycle) innovations through the Bicycle Innovation Lab and to new innovations.
We do this by organising a periodic Bicycle Innovation Lab, and the first Bicycle Innovation Lab is about “bicycle traffic safety and behaviour”. For this innovation, we are looking for innovative solutions to improve road safety in the region of Amsterdam by influencing the behaviour of road users. The central theme here is “Different speeds on bicycle paths”.
This theme contains actual problems which are increasingly being discussed. Delivery services, differences in speed, and bicycle types are part of this discussion. How do we cope with this? For example, the number of bicycle delivery services is increasing. These often cross the city centre at high speeds. This may lead to dangerous situations. Furthermore, in 2020, sales of e-bikes have been increased by thirty per cent and the speed of E-bikes increases as well. How do we combine this with the ‘normal’ bicycle? And what about the congestion on the cycle path in the city? Or the cyclists just outside the city? And what about the heavy cargo bike on the cycle path? And how do we deal with problems of different speeds outside the city? And how to deal with recreational cyclists on racing bikes and e-bikes?
European vision ‘Zero serious road casualties in 2050’ is a grand vision that entails many challenges. The bicycle (and other micro-mobility) plays a big part in this challenge. To achieve this ambition, we are looking for new ideas, approaches, and innovations!
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