Experiment: restrictions for cars, a challenge!
We are considering a redesign for De Clercqstraat and Jan Evertsenstraat. These streets form an important route westward for bicycles and trams. A proposed option which is to turn the street into a bicycle route and take out the segregated bike lanes, is only possible with considerably fewer cars on the road. We are carrying out a pilot to investigate the possibility and consequences of the proposed option. Read more about the experiment and the redesign.
There are several issues in De Clerqstraat and Jan Evertsenstraat that we aim to improve upon renovation of the street. The cycle paths which have widths of 1.8 to 2.0 metres, are quite narrow for the daily 22,000 cyclists traveling on the street. The sidewalks are quite narrow as well. The intersection Jan Evertsenstraat / Admiraal de Ruijterweg has been identified as a black spot where accidents occur regularly. Also, along the roads of the intersection, car traffic is impeded by trams and vice versa.
The redesign aims to improve road safety, tram traffic flows, the quality of public space and create more space for cyclists and pedestrians.
A bicycle street can be an appropriate solution, but only if there are considerably fewer cars on the road. We are conducting a pilot to discern the feasibility of this solution. In the pilot, we have made restrictions for cars at two locations, whereby cars have no access while cyclists and trams are still allowed to pass.
Traffic counts and travel behaviour
As part of the pilot, we examine and measure the results of the traffic flows, alternative streets, and air quality. The pilot involves carrying out traffic counts at 20 locations and observing the on-street situation and travel behaviour. Some of the observed conditions include road safety and possible shortcuts by travellers. Through surveys we also collect personal experiences of road users, shop owners and residents. After the test, the traffic will revert to the exact situation prior to the pilot.

| Overview of measures during the pilot. Source: Municipality of Amsterdam
The municipal council can then take a decision based on the results of the pilot If everything goes well, we will know around the summer of 2021 whether the streets can be redesigned and what it will look like.
The possible redesign of the streets is part of the ‘Oranje Loper’ program. This program renews the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal and the streets and bridges from Raadhuisstraat to Mercatorplein. For a video about the ‘Oranje Loper’ program, click here.
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