Edition 2023
Will you come up with the solution for improving social safety during cycling to make cycling even more fun?
This was the subject for the second edition of the Amsterdam Bike City Bicycle Innovation Lab. We were looking for the most innovative solution for improving social safety while cycling. Because however much fun and however healthy cycling is, it is not always experienced as enjoyable. Think for instance about cycling in the dark, being called after or aggression between road users.
Winner: Tunnelvisionary
On Wednesday, May 31, the Tunnelvisionair was declared the winner from 31 entries. Mobility expert Goudappel submitted the idea ‘Tunnelvisionair’. In their submission, Goudappel indicates that research has shown that bicycle tunnels are perceived as socially unsafe. Who hasn’t made a fake phone call, taken a detour or even stayed home because of a scary tunnel? The Tunnelvisionair wants to do something about this. In a television program on a local channel, he and a well-known stylist and tunnel experts want to look for the five scariest tunnels in Amsterdam and improve these tunnels. Amsterdam residents can think about this and vote via social media. Temporary adjustments are then made in those five tunnels that are linked to the five senses. For example, artistic lighting, the smell of flowers or music. After the test period, it can be determined – including by conducting interviews with residents – which sense has the most influence on improving the cycling experience. The best improved tunnel will then be definitively improved and festively opened in the television program. The Tunnelvisionair focuses on a positive experience of bicycle tunnels. This increases the feeling of social safety and the quality of bicycle rides in general. If the plans in the city and/or in the region are good and feasible, they will receive a budget of € 15,000 to develop their idea. Goudappel will receive €1,000 prize money for the winning idea.
In addition, we want to ‘Put the cyclist in the ‘green’ spotlight!’ congratulations on second place. This means that their plan will be further developed in collaboration with the municipality of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Transport Region.
An honorable mention also goes to ‘Straight ahead on the same road continues safely’, which received the most public votes.
The Tunnelvisionair plan
Goudappel has developed the Tunnelvisionair plan, taking the available budget into account. Due to the budget, not all aspects of the original idea could not be implemented, including the use of a TV crew and a stylist. Read below in what form Tunnelvisionair is implemented.
On February 28, 4 bicycle tunnels in Amsterdam North will be adjusted for one day. For example, with a different type of lighting, a scent or music. These tunnels have been selected by the residents of Noord. From January 16, 2024 to January 29, 2024, they could indicate in an online questionnaire which tunnels they found less pleasant and less safe. The four tunnels were selected based on these results. The tunnels are adapted and stimulate the senses of feeling, hearing, smelling, or seeing. Goudappel is investigating whether these adjustments influence how safe and pleasant cyclists feel in tunnels. The results of the trial will be presented to the municipality of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Transport Region. They will use the results when improving bicycle tunnels in Amsterdam and the region.
Do you have the solution to improve the sense of safety for cyclists?
You can find all important information you need to participate I your Innovation Lab HERE

| Tunnelvisionair als winnaar van het ABC Fietsinnovatielab 2023
Bicycle Innovation Lab – edition 2023
The judging panel of the ABC Bicycle Innovation Lab 2023
We are happy to introduce you to the inspiring professionals who will judge your entries. They all deal with topics that fit within the theme of ‘social safety’. The judging panel consisted of:
Diederik Basta – Municipality of Amsterdam, project manager Smart Mobility
Esther van Garderen – Fietsersbond, directeur
Gert-Jaap Hoekman – NU.nl, chief editor
Lucas Harms – Dutch Cycling Embassy, managing director
Hélène de Bruine – Transport Authority, Behavior & Mobility advisor
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Do you have any questions about the ABC Innovation Lab?
Please send an e-mail to bikecity@amsterdam.nl. We aim at giving a response within two working days. All answers are made public so everyone has access to the same information.