Fresh ideas to improve social safety
A night route, a measuring method, a campaign for cycling respectably and an idea to expel loneliness on the cycle path. These are the ideas of 20 technical trainees* with the municipality of Amsterdam to improve social safety for cyclists. They presented their ideas on March 6th, 2024 in the House of the Future in city district Zuidoost.
Improving the social safety of cyclists, how can you do that? Maybe with the Night Route.
Night route
The idea of Night Route, presented in a partly darkened room, was developed for city district Noord.A night route from the ferry across river IJ to Noorderpark station is designated with signage, street markings and illuminated poles. When more people cycle that route at night, social safety will increase. And that is urgently needed. Research by the Cyclists’ Union shows that 89 percent of cyclists sometimes feel unsafe in the dark.
Measuring method
The trainees who came up with the ‘MMSVF method’ took a completely different tack. With this Social Bicycle Safety Measurement Method (MMSVF), social safety is made measurable using various indicators and weighting factors. Indicators include light intensity, the presence of vegetation (scary bushes) and traffic intensity. The weighting was determined with a survey. Based on this method, for example, the Hoogoorddreef in Zuidoost received an unsatisfactory grade, a 4 (on a scale of 1-10).This idea does not yet provide a solution, but it does make the concept of social security more concrete and therefore more targeted for improvement. And there is a need for that. Merel Kieft from the Municipality’s Research and Statistics Bureau, who attended the presentation, was happy with the work of the trainees. Her department is preparing a survey on social safety. The aim is to better visualize the problem of social insecurity.
Good Vibes
The other trainee groups had approached the subject differently. Good Vibes is an initiative to promote a sense of belonging among cyclists. Cyclists can pass on an encouraging message via a QR code, which can then be seen on dynamic signs, for example along a quiet cycle route in the city.Messages such as ‘Don’t worry, spring will always come again’, or ‘It’s great that you’re cycling! Enjoy the city, greetings from an Amsterdammer. As one of the creators put it:’Everyone can participate,
and we make the streets a little happier, especially in those places that don’t feel so safe.’

Example Good Vibes, image: Technical Trainees Amsterdam 2023
Cycling respectably
Cycling respectably (in Dutch: Fatsoenlijk Fietsen, FF) is a campaign to remind Amsterdam residents of the cycling rules in a fun way. Because much of the social and physical safety is caused by road users not paying enough attention to each other. The trainees came up with catchy slogans such as ‘To the left? Show it FF’ Or:’Look behind FF’.Note: FF is in Dutch also used for ‘even’ which means ‘for a short while’.
The signs with these slogans go together with a website with news about road safety and personal stories. A ready-made campaign that can be used immediately, according to many attendees in the House of the Future.

Example Respectable Cycling Voorbeeld Fatsoenlijk Fietsen, image: Technical Trainees Amsterdam 2023
At the end of the meeting Pepijn Verpaalen of the Bicycle Program team of Amsterdam thanked everyone for their fresh ideas presented this afternoon. He emphasized that social safety isn’t an easy task because the subject is not always clear. What feels unsafe can be different for each person.But it is an important topic. Social insecurity is a reason for people not to cycle. So, if the municipality wants people to walk and cycle more, improving social safety is important. The ideas of the trainees provide the municipality with inspiration for future projects.
* The technical trainees have recently graduated in subjects such as urban planning, architecture or sustainability. They work on various spatial projects within the municipality and also one day a week
on a joint assignment. This year the joint assignment was about social safety.